University of Pittsburgh Logozsghost's Ballot for Week 11 of 2014-15

Submitted on Sunday, January 18, 2015 at 11:23PM EST
1 University of Kentucky Logo Kentucky [LW: 1] At least Alabama's an okay team
2 University of Virginia Logo Virginia [2] Deserved the feast on the ACC underbelly that it got
3 Gonzaga University Logo Gonzaga [4] Have to slot up Gonzaga after giving Duke the benefit of the doubt once
4 Duke University Logo Duke [3] Goin' DOWN this Monday! (Louisville win saves what would've been a sizable drop)
5 Villanova University Logo Villanova [5] Surviving a serious gauntlet very well right now, still my pick to be last #1 seed (UK, Gonzaga, ACC winner other three)
6 University of Wisconsin-Madison Logo Wisconsin [10] I probably overreacted last week considering injuries and it was a road game. Even still: Rutgers?!
7 University of Louisville Logo Louisville [6] Wisconsin lost to Duke by less, is all I'm saying
8 University of Arizona Logo Arizona [12] Had home-court but an eighteen point win over Utah is significant
9 University of Maryland, College Park Logo Maryland [9] Yeah, this seems about right. Finally above Iowa State, too.
10 University of Utah Logo Utah [7] Can't beat Arizona on the road, such is life
11 University of Notre Dame Logo Notre Dame [13] Benefits from me having no idea what to do with the Big XII
12 Iowa State University Logo Iowa State [10] I have no idea what to do with Big XII teams. Or Big East teams, if we're talking about that.
13 University of Kansas Logo Kansas [11] Lost to a team I had ranked above them on the road, basically a push
14 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Logo North Carolina [14]
15 Wichita State University Logo Wichita State [15]
16 Virginia Commonwealth University Logo VCU [17] Progression of VCU on my ballot: 17, 15, 27, Unranked, 28, 26, 25, 20, 17, 16
17 West Virginia University Logo West Virginia [16] REALLY want to drop them but concede that (1) this is a good team (2) the teams below them keep losing worse
18 University of Dayton Logo Dayton [22] I respect the Atlantic 10
19 University of Northern Iowa Logo Northern Iowa [N5]
20 University of Texas at Austin Logo Texas [N5] Thanks for slamming WVU, sorry you can't beat Oklahoma teams
21 University of Oklahoma Logo Oklahoma [20] I have NO IDEA what to do with the Big XII
22 Baylor University Logo Baylor [19]
23 Southern Methodist University Logo SMU [N5] Do you have a better idea, at this point?
24 University of Iowa Logo Iowa [New] 4-1 in the B1G! How about that!
25 University of Georgia Logo Georgia [New] Eventually an SEC team will stick as #2 (Next Five: Ohio State, Michigan State, Stanford, Saint Mary's, Tulsa)